Area Service Committee

The Area Service Committee (ASC) is intended to focus on the Service issues and does most of the work in NA that could distract the Groups from focusing on their Primary Purpose: carrying the message to the addict that still suffers.

Attendance at the ASC is open to all interested NA members and each NA Group is encouraged to send it’s Group Service Representatives (GSR). Our meetings are hybrid.

NE Oregon Area’s next meeting is February 16th at 3 PM. 

We will be meeting at the Community Room behind the Pendleton Public Library, 502 SW Dorion Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801

Zoom Info: 224 405 4648  Passcode: neOregon

Activities / Literature

Having fun and enjoying life, and our fellow members, is one of the cornerstones of recovery.  The Activities/Literature Subcommittee organizes events to provide a greater sense of unity for the Northeast Oregon Area NA Fellowship. The Activities/Literature Subcommittee also provides access to NA literature for Northeast Oregon Area NA Meetings and preforms literature writing/review of new NA literature.

Attendance at Activities/Literature is open to all interested NA members.
We have a planning session each November–we plan all event for the upcoming year at that time.  Every member is invited to come be a part of that process in planning our events. Our meetings are hybrid.

Activities & Literature’s next meeting is February 16th at 11 AM. 

We will be meeting at the Community Room behind Pendleton Public Library, 502 SW Dorion Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801

Zoom Info: 224 405 4648  Passcode: neOregon

Freedom Fairies

The Freedom Fairies hosts an annual event the first weekend in February.
Any female member of NA is welcomed to our business meetings, regardless of which area they belong to.  We report directly to the NE Oregon Area, and contribute any access funds to them.

The Freedom Fairies business meetings are the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month @ 7pm following LGNA women’s meeting. 1308 Washington Lagrande Oregon 97850. Presbyterian church in the basement. Enter on Spring Avenue.

The Brodeo

The Brodeo hosts an annual event the third weekend in July.  We also hold regular step working nights.

Any male member of NA is welcomed to our business meetings, regardless of which area they belong to.  We report directly to the NE Oregon Area, and donate any access funds to them. Our meetings are hybrid.

The Brodeo’s next meeting is February 16th at 12:30 PM.  

We will be meeting at the Community Room behind Pendleton Public Library, 502 SW Dorion Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801

Zoom Info: 224 405 4648  Passcode: neOregon

Public Relations

The purpose of the Public Relations (PR) Subcommittee is to serve NA groups and the community at large in the Northeast Oregon Area to ensure that the message of recovery reaches all those who might benefit. The PR Subcommittee accomplishes this by coordinating IT, Hospitals & Institutions, Fellowship Development, and Public Relation services in the spirit of unity to maximize our ability to fulfill our primary purpose.

Attendance at Public Relations is open to all interested NA members. Our meetings are hybrid.

Public Relations next meeting is February 16th at 1:30 PM. 

We will be meeting at the Community Room behind Pendleton Public Library, 502 SW Dorion Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801

Zoom Info: 224 405 4648  Passcode: neOregon